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Monday, August 20, 2012

Final Reflection

The timing of this class could not have been more perfect. I am dabbling in flipped instruction next year and was honestly SO behind in the basic technology tools that were becoming used often. At the end of this class I feel so much more confident with using the tools I learned, but also about how to find and learn new tools when there is a need. Blogging has opened up a whole new world and I see it as a great way to share information and have online discussions. So many tools now are saved on the internet, and a blog gives everyone easy access to see your creations! Being able to follow each other and getting emails when someone makes a comment, makes it easy to keep up and know when updates have been made. I also have enjoyed learning some new presentation tools like prezi and SpicyNodes. I have been putting together the lessons for our Robotics class and using Prezi since it is dynamic and makes it easy to add videos, links, and even Powerpoints. I also made a blog for this class and am able to have a post for each week and put the week's Prezi at home so that students and parents have easy access. This class has completely changed the format of this class and I am excited about it. The main obstacle I ran into were some of the limitations on web tools when using the free versions. Most of the time, however, they were adequate for what I, and my students would need. I also noticed that people could not comment on the blog unless they had a google account, so I am glad that all students will have an account next year. Overall, this was a great experience!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Assignment 10: Choice

First I tried Animoto to create a video slideshow. It is very cool but I was really disappointed that you were limited to 30 seconds unless you wanted to pay! This really makes it not very useful in my opinion. If you wanted to pay $5 you would have a lot more possibilities... I just put together a few photos of our road trip to Black Hills/Yellowstone/Grand Canyon to try it out.

Try our slideshow maker at Animoto.

Since Animoto did not seem a great way to share pictures I tried flikr. It was easy to use and not a bad way to create a slideshow of many photos. Videos can be uploaded but can only be 90 seconds long. Not sure how I would use either of these in the classroom, but good to know about!

Assignment # 9 Creating a poll

I will be trying flipped instruction for at least the first 2 chapters with 6th grade this year, hopefully more if all goes well. :)  I thought that I could ask this poll question on Friday if I wanted to get a feel for where people were at in the chapter.  I think that I want everyone to take the quizzes and tests the same day, so they have a goal for when things should be done.  Exceptions could of course be made.  I would leave extra time for those that are slower and that would give the fasted students time for challenge activities twice a chapter.  Anyways...  I could have the kids do this poll every Friday to get a feel for how much time people are spending at home on flipped lessons and see how that correlates with how far they are in the chapter.  This could be a good discussion tool to talk about the importance of at home time if they are going to be ready for quizzes and tests.

Assignment 8: Creating a Graph

I used infogram to create a double line graph. The graph I made is an example of how students could graph their pre-test / post-test scores on tests and checkpoints. It might be interesting for them to create this and submit it at the end of the chapter and then share electronically or print to turn in with a reflection. I did have trouble getting the data in until I did it in Xcel and loaded it in. There are obviously a lot of ways you could use an easy graph creation program in math. This is easier to use than just Xcel. I could also make graphs for students to answer questions about.

Assignment # 7: Cloud Computing

One big way I will be using cloud computing this year is for my lesson checkpoints. Instead of a paper copy like last year I want to try having them as a google quiz. They must score 80% or higher to move on to the next lesson. I get immediate feedback to share with them. This one is for the first lesson in our 2nd chapter on solving expressions.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Assignment #6: Study Tools 2.0

This was my first attempt with Quizlet. I think that it would be a nice resource when I want a practice for students before a test or a quiz. It would be great for those who are doing extensions to practice and evaluate how they are doing. I liked that there were so many sets already set up that others created that I can browse and borrow! Here is a quick set I created on number properties so that kids can practice which property is which. This is a great activity to go with a flipped lesson before they take a checkpoint. The first attempt I switched them around, so make sure you put the terms in the first column. :) I also liked that you could import pictures or copy and paste number sentences from other sites easily.
The 2nd tool I used was Spicynodes. I created a mind map overview of 6th grade's unit 2, an intro into algebra. It gives vocab, examples, etc on the chapter's main points. It help me as the teacher see what needs to be covered, and gives them a preview of and study tool for the chapter. I liked that I could embed in images I found on google to use as examples. This looks nicer and saves me a ton of time creating examples. I think I would like to do this on each chapter if the kids find it useful.

Assignment #5: Youtube Channel

Since I will be trying out flipped instruction next year, I created a YouTube channel at a training at the end of the school year. I have been creating folders for each chapter and our Robotics class. It is a great way to organize everything and makes it so easy to upload videos to blogs, websites, etc. Here is a video that I have saved on my channel that is a great, and cheesy song, from Square One (one of my favorite math shows from the 90's:) about tessellations. If you want a blast from the past, then watch and enjoy!

Assignment #1: Blog Bling

I never wrote a reflection on the creation of my blog, so here goes! I was pleased and surprised at how easy it was to add gadgets and reformat. The video I have attached is one that we may show our STEAM class to get them excited about our robotics class. This is a demo video on Honda's humanoid robot, ASIMO. It is truly amazing what this robot can do!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Asssignment #4: Creating A Video

This was an easy assignment since I have been playing around for several weeks with getting ready to try some flipped instruction in my classroom.  I have made my first 2 videos going along with our first chapter.  I am using the smart recorder since all of my lessons are already in smart software.  I am modifying my lessons presentations from last year and then creating a 10-15 minute video of the lesson.  My first 2 are a bit rough, so hopefully my kids will be understanding!  I like that you can pause while recording, but you can not, to my knowledge anyway, stop and back up just a bit and redo a section.  This means that if you mess up or stumble you either have to start over, not convenient if you are 10 minutes in, or just correct your mistake like you would if you were really presenting in class.  I guess that is probably OK!   Hopefully I will get smoother as I record more videos.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Assignment #3: Storybird Project

It was a challenge to write a math story that would teach and entertain, espencially with a limited number of illustrations to pick from.  The result for me is a humorous short story about a menacing cat names Milo, who needs to solve a long numerical expression in order to take over the world.  To do this he visits 3 "friends"  who teach him to crack the code with PEMDAS as their guide.  Hopefully this will be a fun ways to reinforce order of operations with my students.  Feel free to use it if you like! Order of Operations in the Real World at Work! or...Milo's Plot to Take Over the World! on Storybird

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Assigment #2: Pimp My presentation

For this assignment I used Prizi to create a dynamic (both figurative and literally) presentation of one of the early lessons Course 1 teaches on exponents.  It is designed for students to move through and used in a flipped instruction format.  It included information and directions for a pretest, vocabulary, the video lesson, acitvities (both computer and written) and a final checkpoint at the end.  Students can move at their own pace through the lesson and even watch an additional video if they need more practice.  I am curious to see how students like the format for a lesson and how well it would work for them.  Though I am not sure if I can take 10 hours for every lesson... :)  Hopefully I would be faster the next time!  I felt very below average starting this project, but was very proud of myself as I figured out new things and finally as I completed it!  Enjoy!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Summer Camp Here I Come!

I am really excited to be a part of camp this year! :)  I have been feeling behind incorporating technology into my classroom, but know that I can do it!  I am going to be attempting flipped instruction and knew that I have a lot to learn before that can happen...  I don't know what I will learn but am excited to learn anything!

I hope that I can incorporate what I learn to do into next year's instruction!

This summer I look forward to Going on a 2 week road trip with the fam to Yellowstone, the Black Hills, Grand Canyon and Colorado Springs.  Yes we are probably crazy being that ambitious with a 6 year old and 8 year old!