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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Asssignment #4: Creating A Video

This was an easy assignment since I have been playing around for several weeks with getting ready to try some flipped instruction in my classroom.  I have made my first 2 videos going along with our first chapter.  I am using the smart recorder since all of my lessons are already in smart software.  I am modifying my lessons presentations from last year and then creating a 10-15 minute video of the lesson.  My first 2 are a bit rough, so hopefully my kids will be understanding!  I like that you can pause while recording, but you can not, to my knowledge anyway, stop and back up just a bit and redo a section.  This means that if you mess up or stumble you either have to start over, not convenient if you are 10 minutes in, or just correct your mistake like you would if you were really presenting in class.  I guess that is probably OK!   Hopefully I will get smoother as I record more videos.


  1. I embedded the video, but it is way too big and covering up part of my blog... Anyone know how to shrink it down a bit?

    1. See if this helps:

  2. Awesome, that was easy! Now here is another question for you... I made another video that is 18 minutes and You Tube said it was too long, any way that I can upload it, or do I have to redo it in smaller sections?

  3. I liked your you tube lesson. I hate to tell you this,but a video can only be 15 minutes or less so you will have to redo it as 2 smaller chunks... or talk faster ... or skip something. I have found it helpful to tell kids to pause and try them on their own so that I do not have to pause with them. It makes the videos shorter for me.

    I had a glitch today 11 min in and my markers stopped working... Yep. Had to redo it. That is technology for you!

  4. Wow Julie - this was awesome. I kept looking at yours when I was figuring out how to do mine. Thanks for a such an amazing example. I too have videos which are too big for my blog. I am going to try Jenna's suggestion.

  5. Hi Julie,

    I was very impressed with your video. You did a great job and the students should enjoy this also. I'm really nrevous about this assignment and think I will have to do it at school but they aren't there on the 4th. Hope you have a great 4th.

  6. I was interested to learn about the 15 minutes rule! Important info. Great video, Julie!
