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Monday, August 20, 2012

Final Reflection

The timing of this class could not have been more perfect. I am dabbling in flipped instruction next year and was honestly SO behind in the basic technology tools that were becoming used often. At the end of this class I feel so much more confident with using the tools I learned, but also about how to find and learn new tools when there is a need. Blogging has opened up a whole new world and I see it as a great way to share information and have online discussions. So many tools now are saved on the internet, and a blog gives everyone easy access to see your creations! Being able to follow each other and getting emails when someone makes a comment, makes it easy to keep up and know when updates have been made. I also have enjoyed learning some new presentation tools like prezi and SpicyNodes. I have been putting together the lessons for our Robotics class and using Prezi since it is dynamic and makes it easy to add videos, links, and even Powerpoints. I also made a blog for this class and am able to have a post for each week and put the week's Prezi at home so that students and parents have easy access. This class has completely changed the format of this class and I am excited about it. The main obstacle I ran into were some of the limitations on web tools when using the free versions. Most of the time, however, they were adequate for what I, and my students would need. I also noticed that people could not comment on the blog unless they had a google account, so I am glad that all students will have an account next year. Overall, this was a great experience!


  1. I totally agree with your reflection! It is going to be a big help with the flipped classroom next year! I liked all of the trying new things and getting time to make some curriculum you can use in the classroom right away!

  2. I agree that this class has been a very good experience. It's nice to learn about technology at your own pace in a stress free environment.
